Professionally I work at BPT and focus on creating value adding App for Process Simulation. You can find more info on those on the BPT website. Below are posts that should help HYSYS, PetroSIM and UNISIM users alike in their day to day challenges to produce accurate yet fast models efficiently.

Release the true potential of your staff Apps for Process Simulation

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Your "Enter" key on your keyboard feels undervalued, give it some more love!

When observing other people working with HYSYS and other software tools, it seems like almost everybody has forgotten that the normal way to tell a software that you are done with entering a bit of information like a number or a text is to hit the "Enter" key. So, I see these convoluted things happening like the following sequence:
There is a HYSYS model open with multiple views open
The view of stream XXX is on top
User starts typing a Temperature for stream XXX
He seems surprised that HYSYS doesn't know that he has finished typing the temperature
To remedy HYSYS failing to do something he clicks on another view
Now, HYSYS understands the typing is finished, but also brings the other view to the foreground
So now the stream where the temperature was entered is obscured
User would then typically go back to the PFD to double click on the stream to view the result

This whole complicated sequence can be elegantly avoided by hitting the "Enter" button when finished. The stream stay in the foreground, the results are immediately visible.

So, give your "Enter" key some more love and you'll benefit greatly!

At BPT we have Apps for Process Simulation that will greatly enhance your productivity, but the above tip is totally for free!

1 comment:

simfront said...

Simulations make creative use of calculational techniques that can only be motivated extra-mathematically and extra-theoretically.


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