Professionally I work at BPT and focus on creating value adding App for Process Simulation. You can find more info on those on the BPT website. Below are posts that should help HYSYS, PetroSIM and UNISIM users alike in their day to day challenges to produce accurate yet fast models efficiently.

Release the true potential of your staff Apps for Process Simulation

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Installing Aspen HYSYS without reading all the readme's

If you don't like to read through all that info you got when receiving your product package, here is the short version:
You'll probably have received a set of 6 DVDs, don't worry, you only need one or maybe two
The one you absolutely need is called Aspen Engineering (normally DVD 1)
- I know, you're looking for HYSYS, but that is where you'll find it!

Put the DVD in your DVD drive
Before running the install, you want to make sure if you have the correct version of MS SQL installed, you need version 2005 or more recent. If you do not do this check, there isn't any harm done. If you do not have the correct version, somewhere more than half way down the install screens (but before actual install) you'll be told that you do not have the correct version of MS SQL Express.
In Control Panel, under Programs yo can check if you have the proper version.

If you find out you do not have to correct MS SQL installed (by checking early or by being told later), go to the folder called "3rd party redistributables" on the DVD that is now in the drive. Go to the MS SQL folder and launch the .exe you find there. In the worst case, you may be told you need NET 3.5 SP1. The install for that is also in the  "3rd party redistributables" folder.
During the MS SQL install you will need to reply to quite a few questions, take the default as a rule. Remember that you only need the database engine, you have no need for any client tools. The one thing you should change is the "Authetication Mode". It should be "SQL Server and Windows".

Once you get through all that, launch the Setup.exe or dvdbrowser from the dvd main folder.
- The install comes up with the first screen and you click on the Products Tab
- Then you get a message concerning licenses, click OK
- Then you are asked if you want to install according to your licenses
- Click CANCEL
- Now you are in the Products tab for real
- Select Aspen Engineering and click install and wait a while
- Click on NEXT
- You may get a question if you want to modify / repair or remove, but this may not appear for a first install.
- If it does appear, you probably want to select Modify and click NEXT
- Accept the terms of the license agreement
- Select Standard Install and now be really patient
- Now you get the screen where you can check everything you want to install
- If you only want HYSYS, take "Process Modelling HYSYS"
- To the left of "Process Modelling HYSYS" you can poen a dropdown and select to install this and everything below it.
- Now a couple more Next button clicks
- You will be asked for your user name domain name and password. If you will only use HYSYS and not Simulation Workbook for example, you can safely tell the install to skip the user name verification
- It think from there things should proceed with no problems

As a final thing, if you are working with a stand-alone license, you'll have to install the license file on your machine and the dongle. To install the dongle, go back to the Setup or Dvdbrowser and launch it.
- Select the SLM Tools 8.4 and hit install
- Select hte usual defaults etc...
- It may take a while for the install to finish
- While it does that, go to Start / All Programs / Aspentech / Common Utilities / SLM Configuration Wizard
- On the first screen, indicate that you will NOT use the network and click Next
- On all subsequent screens just click Next until you can click finish
- Hopefully the SLM Tools will be installed by now
- When that is done, remove the DVD and put in the DVD with the license file
- There will be a file whose name starts with lserv
- Double click on that name and you should get a message that the license file has been installed successfully
- Plug the dongle into the USB port
- Go to Start / Program Files / Aspentech / Process Modelling / Aspen HYSYS V... and launch HYSYS
- You might want to consider copying that shortcut to place that is handier

It takes a while, I know, but it looks worse in writing than it really is

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